On this page you will find various vector art assets I have created. Some have been for games and other for educational software. Software tools used include Adobe Flash / Animate, Photoshop and Illustrator.
LBG Pinball: This was in in house promotional game featuring various LBG mascots. I modeled, textured and rendered all the pinball machine parts.
LBG: This was an end game animated sequence design for the generic endings to various games created under LBG. The egg drops down and then one of several possible animations plays. All artwork created and animated in Adobe Flash (Animate). This was created by symbol tweening / cut out animation.
Marketing Neanderthal: This was an educational training game by LBG for Eloqua. I created art and animated the opening using Adobe Flash (Animate).
Duck N Sleigh: This was a web browser game by LBG. All art is vector. I created the characters, buildings, environment, UI icons, collectable items and animations using Adobe Flash (Animate).
NC Bionet: This was a digital board game by LBG for NC Bionet. I created various vector icons found on the digital cards.